Guest Speaker: Iain Black, President & CEO Vancouver Board of Trade
Iain J.S. Black as President and Chief Executive Officer with the Vancouver Board of Trade.
Black has had a very distinguished career in both the public and private sectors, having served as an MLA and cabinet minister in the Government of British Columbia. His Cabinet portfolios have been: Minister of Labour; Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development & Minister Responsible for the Asia Pacific Initiative; and, Minister of Labour and Citizen Services. Prior to his election in 2005, Iain had led both private and publicly traded technology companies to substantive growth and profitability. Recipient of many accolades and awards, Iain has also served business and community organizations as a volunteer.
Topic: BC and Federal Budget, Transportation Issues, and Energy Exports
11:45 a.m. Registration 12:00 p.m. Lunch 12:45 p.m. Guest Speaker
Suite 720
999 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1K5
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